Welcome to SPP SeaLevel
The Special Priority Program (SPP-1889) Regional Sea Level Change & Society ‘SeaLevel’, funded by the Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG), applies an interdisciplinary integrated approach involving natural and social sciences to research climate-related sea level change and the associated coastal human-environment interactions.

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The main study regions of the program are the North and Baltic Seas, with potential impacts on Germany and North Europe, and the South-East Asia/Indonesia region, encompassing several coastal megacities, low-lying islands and delta regions, thus they differ fundamentally in terms of societal, socio-politico-economic and cultural aspects, adaptation capacity and response strategies towards sea level change.
Developing successful strategies to cope with sea level change in these regions largely depends on advancing our understanding of processes influencing regional sea level, the availability of sea level change and uncertainty information at the coastlines, available resources and economic power, and on effective planning and local governance structures.