
Current projects of the SPP-1889 SeaLevel Phase-2 Program (2019-2022)

The new funded projects fall into one or more of the following 3 foci areas of research activities of the SPP-1889 SeaLevel program for the 2nd phase, as a continuation and in alignement with the research Working Packages 1-3 addressed during the 1st phase of the program.

The currently active 3 Research Focus Areas of the SPP-1889 SeaLevel Phase 2 are:

I) Contributions to global and regional sea level changes: This encompasses the analysis, understanding and quantification of physical processes and mechanisms contributing to sea level variability and trend, including geophysical processes affecting sea level from global to coastal spatial scales as well as accounting for regional and local ocean-ice interactions and their impact on coastal regions.

II) Regional biophysical and societal impacts in Northern Europe and South East Asia/Indonesia: This research focus group addresses the identification and quantification of natural and socio-economic impacts of sea level rise as well as improvements of sea level predictions and projections on regional and local scale, while accounting for phenomena such as the impact of storm surges, waves and extreme events.

III) Adaptation, Decision Analysis and Governance: This research focus area includes the analysis and identification of efficient adaptation strategies, development of suitable decision analysis procedures as well as investigations of affects of governance structures on risk management and coastal adaptation strategies, among others.

Projects of the 2nd phase (2019-2022)

Project title Principal Investigators Acronym  Research Focus Area

Sea level changes and storm climate of the last millennium (southern North Sea)

Meeresspiegeländerungen und Sturmklima des letzten Jahrtausends (südliche Nordsee)

Betzler (UHH), Lindhorst (UHH), Mikolajewicz (MPI), Milker (Uni Leipzig), Schmiedl (UHH) SEASTORM-2 I

Causes of regional sea-level variations on decadal and longer time scales

Ursachen regionaler Meeresspiegelvariationen auf dekadischen und längeren Zeitskalen

Jungclaus (MPI-M), Stammer (UHH)


Holocene and Anthropocene sea level records from Indonesia

Holozäne und Anthropozäne Meeresspiegelaufzeichnungen aus Indonesien

Mann (ZMT-Bremen)

HAnsea I

Allocating Responsibility for Regional, Glacier-Related Sea-Level Change

Zuordnung von Verantwortlichkeit für durch Gletscher verursachte, regionale Meeresspiegeländerungen

Marzeion (Uni-Bremen)



Measurements of height and mass changes of glaciers and ice caps outside the large ice sheets using TanDEM-X

Messungen von Höhen- und Massenänderungen von Gletschern und Eiskappen außerhalb der großen Eisschilde mittels TanDEM-X

M. H. Braun (Uni-Erlangen)


Reconciling ocean mass change and GIA from satellite gravity and altimetry

Ableitung von Ozeanmassenverteilung und glazial-isostatischem Ausgleich aus Satellitengravimetrie und Satellitenaltimetrie

Horwath (TU Dresden), Kusche (IGG Uni-Bonn)


Determination of heat changes in the ocean by combining satellite gravimetry, Argo and radar altimeter

Bestimmung von Wärmeänderungen im Ozean durch Kombination von Satellitengravimetrie, Argo und Radaraltimetrie

Rietbroek (Uni-Bonn) ROCSTAR I

Access of Atlantic Water to East Greenland glaciers

Zugang von atlantischem Wasser zu den Gletschern Ostgrönlands

Kanzow (AWI), Timmermann (AWI) A2Green I and II

Basal Melting in the Greenland Ice Shelf and Effects on Sea Level Variations

Basales Schmelzen im Grönlandischen Eisschelf und die Auswirkungen auf Meeresspiegelschwankungen

Huhn (Uni-Bremen), Rhein (Uni-Bremen) Labsea Melt II I and II

Regional sea level changes in the marginal seas of southeast Asia: Mechanisms and projections of possible 21st-century trends

Regionale Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels in den Randmeeren Südost- Asiens: Mechanismen und Projektionen möglicher Trends im 21.Jahrhundert

Böning (GEOMAR) IndoArchipel-2 I

Storm surges, sea level rise and adaptation measures on the German Baltic coast, taking into account combined extreme events

Sturmfluten, Meeresspiegelanstieg und Anpassungsmaßnahmen an der deutschen Ostseeküste unter Berücksichtigung von kombinierten Extrermereignissen

Dangendorf (Uni-Siegen), Hinkel (GCF Berlin), J. Jensen (Uni-Siegen), Vafeidis (Uni-Kiel) SEASCApe II - Compound Risks II and III

Building adaptive capacity through (trans-) local social capital – sea level rise and resilience of coastal communities and households in selected Indonesian second-tier cities

Aufbau von adaptiven Kapazitäten durch translokales Sozialkapital: Meeresspiegelanstieg und Resilienz von küstennahen Gemeinschaften und Haushalten in ausgewählten Regionalmetropolen Indonesiens

B. Braun (Uni-Köln) TRANSOCAP II III

Sea level change and the tragedy of cognition. A comparative study of the role of cognitive biases in understanding sea-level rise

Meeresspiegeländerung und die Tragödie der Kognition. Eine vergleichende Studie über die Rolle von kognitiven Verzerrungen für das Verstehen von Mee- resspiegelanstieg

Merico (ZMT)

Schlüter (ZMT)


Blue Urbanism for Adaptation to Sea Level Change: Global Trajectories and Speculative Future Designs in Island States of Southeast Asia

Blue Urbanism für die Anpassung an Meeresspiegeländerung: Globale Trajektorien und spekulative Zukunftsentwürfe in Inselstaaten Südostasiens

Herbeck (Un-Bremen)
Siriwardane (ZMT)

BlueUrban III

Coordination Funds


Stammer (UHH)